Salvation Crusade

We were blessed to have my wife’s brother, Michael, and his wife stay here for little over two weeks. We wish that it could of been longer though we cherish the short time we had with them. Even though they were here mainly to visit they got to do some ministry as well.

While they were here the Sea to Sea pastors organized a “Salvation Crusade.” We love the passion that our pastors have for the Lord. Many people had fasted and prayed for this event. It was a huge success with Michael being the speaker and doing a phenomenal job.

When he asked who wants to come to the Lord I was amazed to see what seem like almost every hand in the village go up. Afterwards we handed out 100 Bibles and gospel tracts so people could read the good news for themselves. Also on June 30th we will be having another “Salvation Crusade” with me being the speaker this time.